Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Gameshark Rom Emerald

applauded the destruction of Iraq and participated since the attacks on an industrial scale committed against its population, after

... sent mercenaries to try to destabilize Lebanon, Syria and Hamas in Gaza, the usurpers saoud Zionization to the bone now bombard women and kids to Yemen with the weapons they sold their ogzidentaux masters.

War Yemeni regime against the democratic Houthists: we know, and I already made a post about it, scrapings US-Zionists who run Yemen benefited from the hysteria of their masters against Iran to restart their war against the Shia population of northern countries accused suddenly, as the conflict short years, to establish a fifth column Iranian wanting allow Iran to gain a foothold in this zone could not be more strategic. Needless to say, this kind of massacre subcontracted with their boys (a practice typically colonialist / imperialist) filled with delight the horde améicano-Zionist limit who saves himself and another quagmire of criticism and its imperialist or committing crimes (this with especially as it gets a little annoying to open new fronts with nice Yabon put obama in power).

the Saudis now participate openly in the war against Houthi conducting air strikes and incursions: but the novelty of recent weeks is that the usurpers Saud, who were initially denied participating in conflict, now openly lead air strikes and ground incursions against civilians in northern Yemen, while mimicking the usual canards of their masters in us swearing they do in fact respond to terrorist attacks and sneaky that they do it especially in defense of democracy and "our values".

saoud The camel massacre of women and kids with weapons they buy from crippled entire batch ogzidentaux their masters for help: must say that the camel Saud emirs turned into a wand Magic ogzidentaux their masters, have weapons to spare so they buy in these same teachers to artificially inflate the turnover of arms factories. Of course, these weapons are completely crippled and controlled by the horde that sells them but they are still largely the case when it comes to drop phosphorous bombs on women and kids. That said, they still manage not prevent our Zionist nabobs of being ridiculed by the Yemeni warriors.

Active participation alongside their masters to the destruction of Iraq and the genocide of its people, sending mercenaries to try to destabilize Lebanon and Gaza, these dogs are usurpers saoud really be regarded as pure sugar sionards: must also say that thieves are not saoud their first crime committed on the orders of their masters sionsites. They were initially approved the invasion and destruction of Iraq by the US-Horde sionsite and has participated actively in the attacks conducted on an industrial scale by the invaders against the Iraqi people. They then sent mercenaries (Fatah el-Islam and company) to try to destabilize Lebanon (winner of the Zionists) and more recently to try to "take squeezed" Hamas in Gaza commme exactly they are supposed to "take into pincers" the Houthists north of Yemen or the like Yankee and their Pakistani boys want to "take into pincers" the Taliban. In short thieves Saud and their mass of dough consituent certainly a centerpiece of American-Zionist chaos in the region and should therefore be considered sionards ç full. They will disappear in the toilet of history along with their masters and their empire in cardboard.

Three in one: in addition to being a cash cow and a political and logistical support, the Saudis are also used as a foil for the horde to denigrate Islam: to finish on the subject, we may be noted that the Saudis, the eunuchs of Zion, are not only used by their masters as cash cows and political and logistical support but also serve as a scarecrow and a foil that can denigrate a "mediaeval Islam" (as opposed to civilization tends Abu Ghraib) where poor women are beaten in public for nothing etc.. Like what these hoes Saud are truly multi-purpose in the hands of their horde.


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