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John and Madeleine Caura

Jean Horguelin, advisor to Châlons King,
parish called St. Nicaise August 31, 1646, son of Nicolas
Horguelin and Nicole Nobily,
wife (1672) Madeleine Caura, daughter of Pierre and Marie
Caura Talon.

The Provost General of Champagne, 1641 .

An edict of December 1641 created a marshal general in the generality of Champagne.
The Provost is an officer attendant to quell the disturbances of the soldiers and to ensure the safety of highways in the range of generality. Assistant to the provost had two lieutenants, four free, an assessor, prosecutor, lawyer, three clerks, fifty archers, a commissioner, a controller, three recipients payers.
The provost passes, each year a general review of the provost, the commissioners and inspectors prepare minutes of this operation.

letter provision of office January 27, 1687, Jean Horguelin is provided with the office of "Commissioner for watches (magazine) Marshal General of Champagne. " (1)
In 1706, at the wedding of his daughter Jeanne Claude de Rhone, Jean says, "the king's advisor, assessor and the auditor general in the constabulary of Champagne." (2)

The family of Jean Horguelin

Horguelin wife Jean in 1672, on contract to Roget, notary at Chalons, Caura Madeleine, daughter of Pierre and Marie Caura Talon (3) They have eleven children
All baptized parish of St. Margaret, including:

Nicolas, baptized October 6, 1673. Sponsor: Nicolas Horguelin, notary royal godmother: Marie Talon. He married February 16, 1710 Anne Marie Marchand. (4)

Jane, baptized December 19, 1674. She married (1706) Claude de Rhone, son of the late John and Mary Vatier Rhone. (5)

Marie-Hélène. She married February 17, 1722, Edouard de Linage, son of the late Ignatius Linage, esquire, lord of Saint-Mard-les-Rouffy, and the late Claude attic. (6)

Pierre Francois, baptized March 21, 1689. He married (1730) Anne Cat Flags, born March 29, 1709, Parish Flornoy (near Wassy), daughter of Nicolas Le Chat, Esquire, Sieur des Chalets, formerly a captain in the regiment of Champagne, and Elizabeth Beaunière. (7)

Horguelin John died St. Margaret Parish February 16, 1715 (8)

Original parts

Blason Jean Horguelin, 1700.

"John Horguelin, Advisor to the King, assessor in the Marshalsea General Champagne
Golden Gate on a chevron azure, in chief two plumes Vert-backed, and a peak of more tests of twisted silver sand. "

(Bibl. National Armorial General, Generalitat de Châlons, 1700, No. 113, folio 334)

Award of the bailiff of Chalons, 1710.

Jean Horguelin opposes the marriage of his eldest son Nicolas.
August 7, 1710, Nicolas Parchappe, squire, knight, lord of Vinay, Lieutenant King's Government to Epernay, Grand Bailly of Chaalons, becomes aware of an application filed by Nicolas Horguelin. Exhibition of the query:
"Easting major, said Nicolas Horguelin know how to thirty seven years and said Marie Marchand thirty six years, seeing and over twelve years (...) in the sight of the marriage, they have several times, different times, each respectfully communicated to Mr. damsel and their fathers and mothers, with prayer (...) they give their consent (...) ".
Award of bailiff: Future
are required to make three demands by notary "in several days" with their parents, then they can ignore, "so that they can be, for damsel, and said Mr. leu father and mother, nor other, nothing supported prejudicial to their rights. "
Notaries Faron Claude and Pierre Sordello, responsible for warnings, account for each of three visits that they are "in the house and home and said Mr. damsel Horguelin"
the August 11th "hour of four relieved of "August 16th" hour of three raised "and August 19, 1710.

(Arch. Marne, 4E 9399, Sordello minutes, 1710)

Marriage of Edouard de Linage, 1722

Parish of Sainte-Marguerite, marriage, February 17, 1722.
"Sir Edward Linage, Esquire, Lord of Saint-Mard-lez-Rouffy, son of the late Sir Ignatius Linage, Esquire, Lord of that place, and the late Claude Attic lady, and Marie-Hélène Horguelin damsel, daughter of the late John Horguelin, Advisor to the King, and Lady Madeleine Caurre (Caura), were married. "

(Riocour, Arch. Acts of state Civil Chalons-sur-Marne, 1895, No. 382, folio 177)

marriage licenses, diocese of Chalons, 1730

Paroisse Sainte-Marguerite, 31 August 1730.
'waiver of two banns, Pierre François Horguelin, parish of Saint Margaret, and Anne of the Pavilions, the parish of Flornoy (near Wassy).

(Arch. Marne, G 75, folio 111)

Baptismal Anne Pavilions, 1709

Parish Flornoy, baptism, March 29, 1709.
"Madelaine Anne, daughter of Nicolas Le Cat, Esquire, Sieur des Chalets, formerly a Captain in the Regiment Champagne, and Elizabeth Beaunière lady, was born in lawful wedlock, the 29th day of March 1709 and the same day was baptized by my pastor Sub signed. Had
godfather Jacques Le Page of the parish of Villers-au-Bois, and godmother Anne Beaunière lady of this parish, who have signed.
Colombat, pastor of Magneux.

(Arch. Haute-Marne, Flornoy parish, 1692-1716, folio 11/79)

Marriage Horguelin-Pavilions, 1730

"This day 4 September 1730, after publications of banns made once in the church of paroissialle Ste-Marguerite Chaalons, following the certificate of Mr. Roy, pastor of the parish known date of Aug. 28, Cy represents, and the church of St. Julien paroissialle Flornoy 28 of that month, the day of the feast Employers said place, after the certificate Aussy Mr. Jobe, pastor said Flornoy, similarly represented, afterward a waiver of the other two banns granted by Mr. Vienna, Vicar General Monsignor the Bishop of Chaalons the last day of month August of that year, signed the said Sr Vienna, residing tered, respondent and controlled audit Chaalons that day last August, signed Mouth, which I have given knowledge.

And after the betrothal celebrated the day of Hyeres in the church of paroissialle Sommermont, by said John Horguelin, parish priest of the Diocese of Sommièvre Chaalons, I have, in the said church Sommermont the consent of Mr. Doude, parish priest of that place, questioned Pierre François Horguelin, son of John Horguelin defunct defunct and Miss Madelene Caura, parish of St. Margaret of Chaalons, and Miss Anne Lechat Pavilions, daughter of Nicolas defunct Lechat Pavilions, Esquire, former captain regiment of Champagne, and Dame Elisabeth Baunière of Parish Flornoy.

And their mutual consent given by them, I have this by word of spouse and marriage iceux gave the nuptial blessing in the presence of their parents and friends with me the undersigned, and all in accordance with the statutes of the Diocese of Chaalons, and consent of those priests priest of Ste-Marguerite said Chaalons of Flornoy Sommermont and that the parties have chosen to place the celebration of their marriage.

Ainsy sign in the other register: Horguelin, Anne Pavilions, Baunière Elizabeth, Mary Baunière Jacques de Sommermont, Philippe Lechat of Sommermont, Lelarge, Jean and me Horguelin .

Arch. Haute-Marne, 1E477 / 1 Sommermont, 1730.


"A hotel of the 17th century St-Nicaise at Chalons.

The Yearbook of historical monuments of France, reports that a 17th century hotel, located today at No. 18 rue Pasteur in Chalons, has two outstanding features: its portal and its subsoil.
"A doorway opens onto a passage that provides access to a courtyard and rear body. At the bottom of plots under the rear body, there is a CAVECA square plan. It consists of two vessels of two square bays of arched ribs that fall on a central pillar of which is the marquee feature of the 13th century.
The gate is restricted by two fluted pilasters with composite capitals. The arch is semicircular bearing a small frieze, spandrels are decorated with branches running to the crest of a meeting whose arms are erased. It was probably of the family Horguelin, the owners, who were represented. "
(Internet, Ministry of Culture database Merimee 2006)

Louis Grignon provides the following additions:
"One of these houses (in the Rue Saint-Nicaise), of notes later Fagnières lords, Saint-Martin-aux-Champs Maucourt, passed in 1699 at the hands of the family Horguelin. "
(L. Grignon, Topography history (...), Châlons, 1889, page 255)


(1) Arch. Marne, C 2514, f ° 46, Office of Finance, 1687.

(2) Arch. Marne, G 72, f. 250, provides wedding, 1706.

(3) Arch. Marne, 15 367 4E, directory Roget, f. 109, 1672.

(4) Arch. Marne, GG 83, folio 210, Ste-Marguerite, 1710.

(5) Arch Marne, G 72, f. 250, provides wedding, 1706.

(6) Riocour, Ste Marguerite, No. 382, page 177, 1722.

(7) Arch. Marne, G 75, f. 111, provides wedding, 1730.

(8) Arch. Marne, GG 83, folio 210, Ste-Marguerite, 1715.