... heroes were able to talk with President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Iranian cultural officials (... but not with the innocent Clotilde Reiss). Great announcement Dieudonné, to finally see the light, the film on slavery (Code Black) so dear to the heart of Dieudo and the famous SHOAHnanas will have to go through a Franco-Iranian co ! How to say 'scoop' in Persian?
See also press release on the site Anti-Zionist Party (PAS) and Articles on The Suburbs Speaks (LBS) and LesOgres.info
Dieudo in Iran , quenelle sionardistan ! : it has learned a bit surprised and the French section of the International Zionist with us (who felt drag a new dumpling) since last week Dieudo and Sidi Yahia Gouasmi , chairman of the Anti-Zionist Party were in Iran ! Ya not to say, forcing losers of Zion talking about him despite themselves, despite the censorship and a few weeks with her show at the end of the year is great art and you can be sure Dieudo will go down in history as for the unlimited creativity and power of these blows politico-artistic ridiculing not only the horde and its bidonnage as coarse as bloody but also advertising and "buzz" moldy and all (or most) of the neo- pomplards " performers" who humiliate France, home of the arts and natural good taste in their antics fesant Anglo-Zaxxon (or perhaps should I say ogzidentale ) ...
the menu, international festival of short film of Tehran and meeting with government officials including President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in person if Dieudo was Iran was first to participate, 11 to 16 November 2009, the juror's International Festival of Short Films Tehran . But he has obviously benefited, with by Yahia Gouasmi to meet some Iranian cultural officials of government and first and foremost the president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in person with whom they met.
Code Black, the film Dieudonne on slavery can finally be achieved through a co-production Franco-Iranian well as the recently SHOAHnanas : we know One project that holds the most (big) heart Dieudo is to make his film about slavery, including the infamous "Black Code" that the "regulated" in the French colonies. We also know, in order to make this film, Dieudonné had called for a government grant to the Centre National du Cinema who had been denied (the CNC who probably immediately understood that behind this propaganda film was hiding a crude attempt to compete with the revisionist Holocaust even obscure trafficking islamofachiste and the 600 million people to speak only of the slave trade and its small, barely 38,000 deportees (typical strategy of islamofachiste ). Well Dieudo announcement clearly, this film (and the more recent but already famous SHOAHnanas ) are likely to emerge through a co-production Franco-Iranian which would be a wonderful symbol of cooperation in anti-imperialist!
The representatives in Iran governance Zionist occupation of France that refuse Dieudo and Yahia Gouasmi meet the innocent Clotilde Reiss : another informative episode of this Iranian stay Dieudo and Yahia Gouasmi , our two heroes anti-imperialists have sought to meet the innocent Clotilde Reiss who, after being accused of having actively participated in the attempted color revolution that followed the election of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, is now arrest at the Embassy of France in Tehran awaiting trial. And although they were unable to meet because the embassy staff there is absolutely opposed apparently under direct order of the Zionist occupation government in France. I hope that once made aware, Reiss will strongly protest against this strange decision that seems to confirm that she is an agent serving the Zionists.
Press Conference Dieudo and Yahia Gouasmi to Tehran : today if it was only a few photos and excerpts from interviews filmed this trip in the coming days we will undoubtedly be entitled to the entire press conference that Dieudonne gave Tehran and probably other things.
See also press release on the site Anti-Zionist Party (PAS) and Articles on The Suburbs Speaks (LBS) and LesOgres.info
Dieudo in Iran , quenelle sionardistan ! : it has learned a bit surprised and the French section of the International Zionist with us (who felt drag a new dumpling) since last week Dieudo and Sidi Yahia Gouasmi , chairman of the Anti-Zionist Party were in Iran ! Ya not to say, forcing losers of Zion talking about him despite themselves, despite the censorship and a few weeks with her show at the end of the year is great art and you can be sure Dieudo will go down in history as for the unlimited creativity and power of these blows politico-artistic ridiculing not only the horde and its bidonnage as coarse as bloody but also advertising and "buzz" moldy and all (or most) of the neo- pomplards " performers" who humiliate France, home of the arts and natural good taste in their antics fesant Anglo-Zaxxon (or perhaps should I say ogzidentale ) ...

Code Black, the film Dieudonne on slavery can finally be achieved through a co-production Franco-Iranian well as the recently SHOAHnanas : we know One project that holds the most (big) heart Dieudo is to make his film about slavery, including the infamous "Black Code" that the "regulated" in the French colonies. We also know, in order to make this film, Dieudonné had called for a government grant to the Centre National du Cinema who had been denied (the CNC who probably immediately understood that behind this propaganda film was hiding a crude attempt to compete with the revisionist Holocaust even obscure trafficking islamofachiste and the 600 million people to speak only of the slave trade and its small, barely 38,000 deportees (typical strategy of islamofachiste ). Well Dieudo announcement clearly, this film (and the more recent but already famous SHOAHnanas ) are likely to emerge through a co-production Franco-Iranian which would be a wonderful symbol of cooperation in anti-imperialist!
The representatives in Iran governance Zionist occupation of France that refuse Dieudo and Yahia Gouasmi meet the innocent Clotilde Reiss : another informative episode of this Iranian stay Dieudo and Yahia Gouasmi , our two heroes anti-imperialists have sought to meet the innocent Clotilde Reiss who, after being accused of having actively participated in the attempted color revolution that followed the election of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, is now arrest at the Embassy of France in Tehran awaiting trial. And although they were unable to meet because the embassy staff there is absolutely opposed apparently under direct order of the Zionist occupation government in France. I hope that once made aware, Reiss will strongly protest against this strange decision that seems to confirm that she is an agent serving the Zionists.
Press Conference Dieudo and Yahia Gouasmi to Tehran : today if it was only a few photos and excerpts from interviews filmed this trip in the coming days we will undoubtedly be entitled to the entire press conference that Dieudonne gave Tehran and probably other things.
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