Sunday, April 12, 2009

Poptropica Hacks And Cheats

Mary Anne and Claude Grongnat

Horguelin Marie Anne, born parish of Saint-Sulpice in Chalons, daughter of Jacques
Horguelin and Prignet Jacquette, wife (1721)
Grongnat Claude, son of Anthony and Mary Grongnat Legras.

The Grongnat, merchants at Chalons, 1653-1721.

The Grongnat (Graingnat, Grognat) belong to an ancient family of Chalons. In the list of locals from the size rose in the year 1418, we find (Connetablie Jehan de Nanteuil) the Graingnat Jeanson, accompanied, among others, Jaquier de Chatillon and Jehannot Lescrivain. (1)

the 17th and 18th centuries, we know the following Grongnat:

(I) Jacques Grongnat . He married Madelaine Regnault. Children (four to our knowledge):
Mary Magdalen Parish St. Alpine born (ca 1658).
-Claude, born Parish St. Alpin (ca 1663), which follows. (2)
Margaret, baptized September 7, 1669 Parish St. Alpin Chalons. Sponsor: Claude Lorrain, lawyer; godmother Marguerite Lorrain.
-Madeleine, baptized May 13, 1672 Parish St. Alpin Chalons. Sponsor: Claude Grongnat; godmother: Madeleine Grongnat. (3)

(II.1) Claude Grongnat . He married Marie Madeleine de Gaulle, daughter of Etienne de Gaulle and Anne Aubert.

(II.2) Mary Grongnat. She married (St. Alpin, 1685) Jean de Gaulle, son of Etienne de Gaulle and Anne Aubert. (4)

(III) Antoine Grongnat . He married Mary Gray. Children: John
Grongnat, merchant at Chalons (1721).
Grongnat Peter, merchant at Chalons (1721).
-Claude Grongnat that follows.

(IV) Claude Grongnat . He married September 15, 1721 St-Sulpice church in Châlons, Mary Anne Horguelin, daughter of the late Jacques Horguelin and Jacquette Prignet. (5)

family Grongnat-Horguelin, 1721-1732.

Formalities Wedding Grongnat Claude and Mary Anne Horguelin take place over three days:
-September 13, 1721, the bride and groom signed their marriage contract before Lafournière, notary at Chalons.
-September 14, 1721, the bishopric of Chalons grants an exemption from the ban of marriage "Claude Grongnat (Trinity Parish) and Mary Anne Horguelin (parish of St-Sulpice). (6)
-September 15, 1721, religious marriage takes place in the church of St. Sulpice in Chalons. (7)

The marriage contract is signed "in the house of that lady Horguelin, future" in the presence of many witnesses' relatives and friends ": seven on the side of the future and nine side the future. Claude Grongnat, whose father died, was "authorized and assisted by Mr. John Grongnat, his brother and guardian, well, Mary Anne (who lost his father) is" authorized and assisted Sir John Champagne, Attorney at headquarters Chalons-cy before his committee. " Among the many
marriage covenants contained in the "marriage contract", we see the real contribution of Mary Anne, "consisting of his share in two censes Scize one in the land of Fagnières and the other in the land of St. Quentin, the third house in that village Scize Saint-Sulpice Chaalons said, in which she made her home, Scize near the Seven Mills of the said town, all called to share with several Fagnier Meunier and, because of their wives, sisters of that future. "

Grongnat Claude and Mary Anne Horguelin have four children, all baptized parish of St. Sulpice in Chalons
Mary Anne, born October 30, 1725.
-Marie Joseph, born September 29, 1728.
Claude-Marie, born September 26, 1731.
-Claude Nicolas, born December 5, 1732. (8)

Original part

Lafournière Marriage contract, 1721

"Before the Royals Nottaires Chaalons soubsignez are comparus people in Grongnat Sieur Claude, son of Sieur Antoine deffunt Grongnat merchant residing in Chaalons, and Miss Mary
Legras, his father and mother, and assisted Sir John Grongnat authorized dealer, residing at Chaalons, his brother and Trustee one hand.
And Miss Mary Anne Horguelin, spinster residing in the village of St-Sulpice Chaalons, daughter of Sieur Jacques deffunt Horguelin, merchant residing in that town, and Miss Prignet Jacquette, his father and mother, assisted and authorized by Jean Champenois Attorney Headquarters Chaalons live therein heretofore its curator, on the other.
Saying that the parties to proceed marriage to the future known to be made between the said Sieur Grongnat Horguelin lady and said, sy God and Holy Church grants them, and screen to have been no links nor promise, have recognized and confessed voluntarily, without force nor coercion as hereby acknowledge and grant making and their trade agreements and matrimonial room, ainsy and how it follows, that is to wit that the said Sieur future and have pledged to take a loyal marriage as soon as practicable possible, and to make Therein solemnisé in the face of the Holy Apostolic Roman Catholic Church, for Estre Day nuptialle blessing, plain and all common property Acquest furniture and Conquest buildings and they will Acquest during their marriage, Estre share between the survivor and their children or heirs of the first law. (Here follows the description of the contributions of the future and the future Sieur) (...)
Done and passed in the house and read the said lady Horguelin, future, after noon, 13 September one thousand seven hundred twenty-one, with the consent of Mr. Pierre Grongnat, Chaalons merchant, said future brother, said Gilles Derosne, grocer, his brother-Sieur Claude Legras, merchant residing in Chaalons, uncle to the future, said Jean Legras, merchant, cousin, and John Margaine, Aussy merchant cousin Germain, and Mr. Pierre François Jolly Aussy his cousin, Joseph and Mr. Clement, merchant, a cousin future audit.
and Costa of that future, Messrs John and Joseph Meunier Mémie Fagniez, Chaalons merchants, brothers in that future, Miss Barbara Horguelin, daughter, aunt, Messrs Michel Prignet, merchant, Pierre Joseph Prignet, merchant, William Piat, merchant, all uncles to that lady in the future, Sieur Nicolas Begin, bookseller, first cousin, Mr. Jacquesson, used in the farms of the King, others that share his cousin, Debar and M. de Saint Martin, Treasurer of France in financial office Chaalons, all remaining to Chaalons, relatives and friends in the future, and signed with such notaries.

(Archives de la Marne, notary's Lafournière, September 13, 1721)


Grongnat Alliances - de Gaulle, according Veillerette 2000.

"Jehan de Gaulle appears as the ancestor of the oldest Champagne found. You could say he is the ancestor of Charles de Gaulle. "

(I) Jehan de Gaulle (1615-1672), a citizen of Chalons, married 1) Marie Thumbnail, 2) Marie Johannes. Seven children: Stephen
de Gaulle, born May 24, 1638 Parish St. Loup at Chalons, died April 4, 1657 at Chalons, which follows.
-Claude de Gaulle, born January 6, 1643 Parish St. Loup at Chalons, died Aug. 27, 1691, buried in the church of St. Loup. Stem.

(II.1) Etienne de Gaulle , citizens of Chalons, wife Anne Aubert. Nine children, including:
John de Gaulle, born November 1, 1662 to Chalons. He married in 1685 in Chalons-Alpine St Mary Magdalene Grongnat, daughter of Jacques and Madeleine Grongnat Regnault.
Mary Magdalene de Gaulle, born July 27, 1667 at Chalons. She married Grongnat Claude, son of Jacques and Madeleine Grongnat Regnault.
-Charles de Gaulle, a wine merchant at Chalons. He married in 1695 Parish St. Alpin Chalons, Madeleine Guillemin.

(II.2) Claude de Gaulle , merchant at Chalons, married May 9, 1662, Magdeleine Fastret. Seven children, including:
Antoine de Gaulle, born October 8, 1669 Parish St. Loup at Chalons; died Sept. 8, 1730, buried in the church of St-Loup below.

(III) Antoine de Gaulle , merchant, consul judge, warden, married 1) Marie Antoinette Buat, 2) Anne Regnault. Ten children, including:
John Baptist de Gaulle, "being born 12 January, one thousand seven hundred and twenty, was baptized the same day, his godfather Sieur Jean-Baptiste Regnault and his lady Barbara Horguelin godmother, who signed".
Jean-Baptiste de Gaulle is the direct ancestor of General de Gaulle (his great-great grandfather).

(Francis Veillerette "They were called de Gaulle", Reims, 2000, page 56)


(1) Bartholomew, "Hist. Chalons-sur-Marne, 1883, page 441.

(2) Veillerette "They called de Gaulle", Reims, 2000 p. 56.

(3) marl-archive, Township of Chalons (city), births, 1672.

(4) Veillerette op. city.

(5) Arch. Marne Lafournière study, marriage contract, 1721.

(6) Arch. Marne, Church archives, G 74 (1721).

(7) Minitel, GC51, parish of Chalons (1721).

(8) Minitel, GC51, parish of Chalons (1725-1732).


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