Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Done Mature In Calore

Horguelin John, king's councilor.

Horguelin Jean des Ormes (1666-1744), adviser to the king
Epernay, son of John Horguelin Elm
Hennequin and Nicole.

wars against the League of Augsburg and the Ottoman Empire, 1689-1699.

"John Horguelin (...) served in Flanders 1684, Germany, Italy, in the Morea. Caught by the Turks. 1703 returned to slavery. " (1)
other words, between 1684 and 1703 (from 18 to 40 years), John is active on different fronts of the War of the League of Augsburg (1688-1693) and on the battlefields of Morea, where confront the Republic of Venice and the Ottoman Empire (1694-1703).

On the front of the Rhine (1688), Colonel General Dragon Boufflers took the fortress of Mainz. Vauban laid siege to the fortress of Philipsburg which surrendered after thirty two days.

On the front of the English Netherlands (1689), Marshal of Luxembourg is fighting against William of Orange. He won victories at Fleurus (1689), Steinkerke (1692) and Neerwinden (1693), localities in modern Belgium.

On the front of Italy, specifically the Piedmont, Marshal Victor Amadeus II Catinat battle of Savoy and the victories won on him Staffarda (1690) and La Marsaglia (1693).

After ten years of campaigning before the king Louis XV, Jean Horguelin enters the service of the Republic Venice, for the reconquest of the Morea (Peloponnese current) over the Ottomans.
In 1687, under the command of Morosini, Venetians take all spaces Morea and go to Athens. The war lasted until 1699, when the treaty is signed Karlowitz. Morea returns to Venice. (2)

One might think that John is captured by the Turks before the end of this war and he goes "slavery" for three years, his release occurring in 1703.

Jobs ecclesiastical Corroy Meaux, Noyon, 1704-1734.

Jean Horguelin is tonsured cleric 1682 (16 years). But his presence in the church appears in the archives that twenty years later.

It is primarily active as a judicial officer in the employment of the Comptroller General of the exploits (recording of judicial). Then there is the army until 1703. We later find the owner of the chapel of St. Nicolas Corroy. The village of
Corroy is located 40 km south of Epernay, near Fere Champenoise.
"Under the old regime, was a convent Corroy Premonstratensian, owner of the chapel of St. Nicolas and that of St. Sebastian" (4) John says
thereafter "honorary canon of the cathedral of Meaux."
In 1734, finally, he composed an ode in Latin of 16 stanzas, to compliment the bishop of Bourzac, who made his solemn entry into the town of Noyon, where he was appointed.
The ode is printed and stored at the National Library. (5)

other hand, a letter of 1734 tells us that John has probably inherited the vineyard and the wine press of Horguelin des Ormes in Aÿ. His correspondent, banker Horguelin Breslau, suggests:
"Through the channel of Mr. Sancy advisor I am honored to write you this letter, and he kindly offered me his Champagne and I pray send me two baskets. If you believe, Sir, those of you grew better than his, and you voulussiez be so good as to attach a basket, I'll sign the amount to the first notice, and will continue from year to year you apply. " (6)

Horguelin John died in Ay, in the president's Rocheret Bertin, July 23, 1744.

Original part

Ode to the arrival of Mr. Bourzac, 1734

Note manuscrite en marge de l’imprimé : « ode à l’arrivée de Mr de Bourzac. Il arriva à Noyon le 3 avril 1734 à 8 h. du matin, et il alla (…) voir tous les chanoines et prêtres avant son installation le 12. Les doyens du chapitre S. Etienne (de Meaux ?) se rendirent à Noyon pour le complimenter ».
(L’ode se compose de 16 strophes en latin. Nous en présentons quatre « pour mémoire »).

Illustrissimo Ecclesiae Principi Joanni-Francisco de la Cropte de Bourzac, Noviomensium episcopo et comiti, pari franciae, pro solemni urbem ingressu. Ode .

Unico mater viduata nato,
Bella quem dudum retinent morantem,
Anxia Divos prece, qua redonent,
Usque fatigat

Sic quibus Pastor datus es regendis,
Triste suspirant populi fideles,
Dum pio tete nimium recusas
Cernere amori

Longer si tandem, Pater ô ! tuorum
Vota non spernis, venias precamur,
Nos ames blando recreate vultu.
Optime praesul

En venis : Soles melius nitere ;
Civitas festo resonare cantu ;
Praesulem tantum sibi gratulando
Quisque superbit (…)

Joannes Horguelin
Canonicus Regularis
Gymnasiarchus Collegii.

La famille de Bourzac est originaire de Dordogne. Jean François de Bourzac est évêque et comte de Noyon de 1734 à 1766. It is preceded by Claude de Saint-Simon Rouvroy (1731-1733) and followed by Charles de Broglie (1766-1777). The Diocese of Noyon was removed July 12, 1790.


(1) Biblio. National, DB 360, folio 5 verso.

(2) Web Pages, "The League of Augsburg, April 2009.

(3) Bibl. National, DB 360, folio 5 verso.

(4) Chalette, "Dict. of municipalities in the department of Marne, Chalons, 1845, p. 218.

(5) Bibl. National YC/3148, Ode, 1734.

(6) Bibl. National, DB 360, folio 39.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

How To Install Bmw Front Plate

Mary and Isaac Augustine During

Horguelin Mary Elm, born in 1663
parish Notre Dame at Chalons, daughter of John Horguelin
Elm and Nicole Hennequin, wife ( 1686)
Augustine Isaac Durant, son of Pierre Durant and Anne
the Emperor.

"works both good and bad ', Bertin's Rocheret, 1744.

Manuscripts of Bertin's Rocheret are dispersed between the National Library, the Library of Epernay and Chalons library. The manuscript 124 of Chalons is entitled "Works mingled both good and bad of the President of Bertin Rocheret (...)". There is a mixture of genealogical works, letters, and writings as less serious: "Songs for Madame Durant, my sister," or "The Chair" with text in verse which he poked fun of himself, his wife Anne Durant (Chair) and Mary Horguelin Elm, its beautiful mater.

"With a good appetite, the doleful was married to Nannette
certain President.
Mallepeste! A genius! A Greek! A real Scava!
we read, all aware, the Gazette.
was, according to his mother, a very brilliant party,
But it was for the girl, a very thin shopping.
Always on paper, always on writing,
las! He thought war duty of husbands.
In no time, the poor girl,
you had seen all the bait wilted.
- My daughter, what have you? said the anxious mother, tell me
, what is your sickness? like "you are done! ...
- Burn the books there, my Mother, or I perish ...
- How your husband, oh, a little indiscreet, do you dare
ainsy speak with contempt? It
a philosopher, a poet, his works are
such a price
they move after him, from age to age;
you dare to flatter you ever such a fate?
- my mother, to enjoy a rare advantage if he had to marry
hundred years after his death. (1)

The family of Isaac Augustin Durant, 1686-1753. The

During Epernay belong to a family of royal officials. During Pierre (1619-1707) was Attorney Advisor to the King in the election of Epernay.
Isaac Augustin (1660-1715), his son, is clerk to the Bailiwick and provost Epernay (1684).
He married (1686), by dispensation from the Pope, his cousin 3rd degree Horguelin Mary, daughter of John Horguelin, Lord of the Elm, and Nicole Hennequin. Children: Peter
, born 1686, died December 8, 1693.
Anne, born April 14, 1690. She married in Aÿ September 13, 1717 Valentine's Rocheret Philippe Bertin, lord of the Aulnoy, chairman of the election of Epernay, the son of Adam and Mary Bertin Lallemant. During Anne died November 8, 1753 and buried in Aÿ.
Isaac Augustine, born in Ay March 26, 1693, following. Anne Marie
, died young.
Benjamin, who died young.
Jean, born in Epernay in 1697. "Eaten by a pig in her crib with her nurse." During

Isaac Augustine II (1693-1753), son of Isaac and Mary Augustine Horguelin, lord of Vivier-le-Comte, Lieutenant of the provost of the Hotel du Roy and Provost Marshal of France, wife to the Ay January 16, 1722, Marie Antoinette Billecart, daughter of Joseph Pierre Billecart, advisor to Châlons Présidial, and Marie Jeanne Ribet. They have six children. (2)

Original Parts

Testament of Mary Horguelin Elm, 1724.

"This day in December fifth one thousand seven hundred and twenty four, who have (been) required by Miss Mary Horglin (Horguelin), widow of Isaac Augustin Durant, administer the sacraments to him after hearing his confession, she requested me to want to receive as his will and order of his last wishes, and ycelui gave and bequeathed to Jean Horglin (Horguelin) his brother, for him it is good friendship and good offices it took from him the sum of two hundred pounds of annuity payable to a month one month in advance. In addition to other provisions, it is reported to his children and to exercise caution and conduct which it sits differently.
Manufactured in the presence of Mr Joseph Pierre Billecart, advisor to Châlons presidial, and François Lépine, controller acts in Aÿ, which act by me read and reread that said testatrix, after course and have paroll dictates well, said his last wish; which said testatrix did know how to sign because of his great weakness. "

(Bibl. national French manuscript No. 15,174, f. 98)

Recognition of Isaac A. During Philip V. & Bertin's Rocheret, 1724.

"We the undersigned Augustine Isaac Durant officer in the King in his great Prevost of France, and Philippe Bertin Valentine's Rocheret, Advisor to the King, Chairman of the Election of Epernay, because of Lady Anne During my wife that I authorize the effect of these.

Recognizing the last will of Dame Mary Horguelin, widow of the late Mr. Isaac During Augustine, our father and stepmother, believe that Mr John Horguelin, our Uncle, aye his home during the lifetime of the house in which our ditte mother now lives, and promise, according to the latest intentions known to us, to pay the said Sieur Horguelin our uncle, the sum of two hundred pounds per annum, by way of annuity, pension which will be off the day of his death. + Made in Ay, December 5, 1724, and left this note to Mr Joseph Pierre Billecart, advisor to Châlons Présidial for the execution of which give any full power. "

(Bibl. national French manuscript No. 15,174, f. 99)

Letter of years to her husband in Paris, 1742.

Mr. President Mr. Bertin's Rocheret A small
Virtues, Rue des Arcis, Paris

Dear Husband,
I am pleased that you are arrived in good health and am glad that our amys doing well. I salute them. You said nothing of Mr Finger.
I am very grateful to Mrs. Beaulieu's honor his memory. Ensures my civility and tell him that I take great part in the discomfort of his son, and I hope with all my heart that he would soon be healed.
Wine Madame de Dampierre is drawn into bottles.
I press the Return of Madame de Moncours and residence of Madame de Dampierre, for the trial of your case and made sure to come back with Mr de Moncours, please.
My uncle (John Horguelin Elm) is fairly quiet and here is a letter I sent you addressed to him (letter of John Horguelin Breslau).
Mitridate is alive and well. The small cat of Mrs. Durant was dead. I'm almost relieved to start up. That is to say that we must leave (...) concerns.
The eldest son of Mr. Le Ducque is killed and she is inconsolable. She leaves Monday for Paris. These deaths are frequent
it we must think of us. I am your sincere
DB "


Rocheret of Bertin, René Gandilhon, 1961.

"Bertin's Rocheret (Valentin-Philippe), historian, born and died in Epernay (12 Apr. 1693 to 30 July. 1762). Born into a merchant family in Champagne, a lawyer at the Parlement of Paris in 1711, he returned to settle in Epernay in 1717, when he married Anne Durand, receiving his father's patent to the election Epernay. It later acquired the chief road charges and criminal lieutenant in the Bailiwick. Open mind and brought to the study, "but somewhat profligate with decency," he wrote innumerable genealogies and sent copies of documents Abbe Bignon, librarian of the king. He also wrote a history of Epernay, a relative value except for the last centuries, Journal of states held in Vitry-le-Francois, 1744 (publ. 1864), several monographs, studies, erotic poems which were not printed during his lifetime. He also composed a Military History, a Treatise of religion, and political and philosophical maxims of that disappeared.
It is probable that his latest works were inspired by his affiliation with Freemasonry, which he joined in September 1737. It even seems to have been the founder a third kind of Masonic order: the order of Bliss.
Numerous manuscripts of his works are preserved in the Biblio. Epernay and Chalons and Biblio. National. Some have been published.

R. Chandon Briailles and H. Bertal, Sources of the history of Epernay, Ist series, Municipal Archives of Epernay (sixteenth century) and XLI-XCVI 251-377.
R. Gandilhon. (In: Roman d'Amat, French dictionary of biography, Paris, 1961, Volume 4, page 250).


(1) Biblio. Chalons, 124 and 125 manuscripts, Works of Chairman of Rocheret Bertin, 1732-1744, Volume II, page 384.

(2) Bibl. National blue file 344, folio 2 verso.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Pokemon Crystal Trade In Pc

Pierre and Marie Lallemant

Horguelin Pierre des Ormes, born in Epernay in 1666, son of John
Horguelin Elm and Nicole Hennequin, wife
(1693 ) Lallemant Marie, daughter of Robert Lallemant and Madelaine Hanicq.

Louis XV campaign: Lorraine, Palatinate, Milanese, 1733-1735.

In February 1733, the death of Augustus II of Saxony, King of Poland, the Polish throne is coveted by his son Frederick Augustus of Saxony, supported by Austria and Russia, and Stanislas Leszczynski, supported by France and Spain. Stanislas
between Warsaw to the cheers of the crowd. In October 1733, Russians and Saxons converge on the capital. Without an army, Stanislas fled. Frederick Augustus of Saxony s'empart the throne as Augustus III.
October 10, Louis XV declares war on Austria. A French army is launching a campaign on the Rhine and the Milanese to another Austrian.

Both Horguelin son of Pierre and Marie Lallemant are in the king's armies. The eldest, Peter Horguelin junior cavalry regiment in the king's part in campaign on the Rhine.
Cadet, Nicolas Horguelin, grenadier regiment of champagne, went to Milan.

Army of the Rhine, commanded by the Duke of Berwick, between Lorraine (Habsburg close). The French occupy
Nancy (October 13, 1733), cross the Rhine, seized Kehl and lay siege to Philippsburg. The Duke of Berwick was killed shortly before the surrender of the place (May 12, 1734).
During this campaign, dies at Horguelin Peter Oppenheim, a locality north of Philippsburg on the left bank of Rhine.

The Southern army, commanded by Marshal Villars, enters Italy through the Mont Cenis and the Habsburgs took the city of Milan (April 3, 1733). It lost its commander in chief Marshal Villars (June 17, 1734). On 29 June, the French went on the offensive in Parma.
The battle makes many killed and wounded. The Austrians retreated. (1) Nicolas

Horguelin has swept the leg during the battle. He was received at the Hotel des Invalides in Paris (September 22, 1735). He died in Champagne in Aÿ in 1738.

The Family Stone Horguelin, 1665-1748.

Pierre Horguelin Was officer of the king as his ancestors, or did he live on his income? We do not know. The jobs of his father and his grandfather are known: John
Horguelin (his father) was mayor royal lieutenant general of police in the justice of Aÿ.
Horguelin Pierre (his grandfather) was an advisor to King, Provost of the constabulary and criminal lieutenant of Robe in Epernay.
This family owned a vineyard of Epernay on the land at a place called "The Horguelaines. This place is still told today in the land of Epernay. (2) Pierre

Horguelin 28 years old when he married in Epernay April 21, 1693, Marie Lallemant, aged 18, daughter of Robert Lallemant resident in "Bridge of Epernay. They have five children:
- Maria Magdalena, baptized in Epernay January 7, 1694. Sponsor: Augustin Durand.
Godmother: Magdalena Hanicq. The child died at Aÿ March 12, 1694, aged 2 months.
- Peter Young, at Epernay baptized March 15, 1695. Sponsor: Peter Fagnier, lord of Sivry.
Godmother: Marie Horguelin.
- Maria Magdalena, baptized in Epernay April 23, 1696. Sponsor: Jean de Lespinasse. Godmother: Magdalena Lallemant.
-Nicolas, baptized in Epernay May 3, 1697. Sponsor: Nicolas Lallemant. Godmother: Anne Durand. He died in Aÿ, without covenant, April 15, 1738 at the age of 41 years.
- Claude, known in Epernay August 12, 1699. Sponsor: Claude Guillemin. Godmother: Maria Ursula de Lespinasse. The child died April 20, 1701 at the age of 20 months. (3)

Horguelin the young Peter, the eldest son of Pierre and Marie Lallemant, married October 10, 1722, by contract before Jacques Christophe Parteron, lawyer in Strasbourg Laure Valeol (or Valiol), widow of Francis Marly. They have two children:
Horguelin-Jacques, born in 1722 qu. He served in the regiment of Piedmont in 1747-1748.
Horguelin Martin, born in 1723. (4)


" Gold Samuel Bernard", Warsaw, 1733.

"Ambassador of France in Poland was struggling to prepare for the election of Stanislaus, a maneuver which was essentially to bribe voters handsomely most influential.
(...) To replenish the coffers of the ambassador, The French government will appeal to Samuel Bernard, an old financial so often had made loans to the Sun King. Huguenot in origin but converted to Catholicism after the revocation of the Edict of Nantes, Bernard had previously sponsored a few military campaigns of Louis XIV. More than eighty years, he remained the
clever and indispensable contributor, leading behind him the support of many bankers believe that the election of an ally of France to the throne of Poland, was an excellent deal
for investors. For the war that threatened could become lucrative market: should we not then provide food to the troops, forage, arms and powder? .

(Andre Rossinot, "Stanislas, the philosopher king," Lafond, 1999)

The Horguelin-Lallemant, according to Bertin's Rocheret, 1748.

"VII. Pierre Horguelin V, Lord of Ormes, residing in Epernay, 1688, died there, 1702.
Wife Marie Lallemant, daughter of Robert Lallemant Pont d'Epernay.
She died in Aÿ, January 13, 1748, aged 73 years. Were: Peter
VI, below.
Horguelin-Nicolas, Grenadier Regiment of Champagne. Leg was carried at the battle of Parma in Italy (1734). Placed in the Invalides in Paris, 1735. Death in Aÿ, 1738.
Horguelin Magdalene, Mary Magdalene Horguelin, born 1696, residing in Aÿ, 1752.
Sells furniture, 1760, Mr. de Larem.

VIII. Horguelin stone, lord of the Elms, born in Epernay. Go to the Army 1726. Sergeant in the Cavalry Regiment of the King, 1730. Death to Oppenheim, 1734.
Wife in Strasbourg, by contract November 27, 1721 by Jacques Christophe Panteron before, notary (sworn, sealed and authenticated by the Consuls and Senate of this city, signed Lang, 10 October 1722) Miss Laura Valeol (or Valiol), widow of Francis Marly, a merchant in Lyon, whom she had two daughters, and Gothon (white). Jacques Feraillon niece who dotta a life annuity to the principal of 3,000 books and 7,000 books assured him after his death, which have not been paid. Nor Miles crowns payable in 1724 by Marie Lallemant. She died 1726. Had
-Jacques, born 1722.
Martin, 1729.

IX. Horguelin Jacques, seigneur des Ormes, born in Strasbourg, 1722. Served in the regiment of Piedmont, 1747-1748.

(Bibl. national, DB 360, f. 5 verso)


(1) Web Pages, "Campaign of the Rhine, 1734, page 1 (April 2009).

(2) Web Pages, "The Horguelaines", in: Bull. info. Pref. Marne, May 30, 2006, p. 10.

(3), Township of Epernay, 1693-1701 (April 2009).

(4) Biblio. National, DB 360, folio 5 verso.

Monday, April 13, 2009

What Shoes To Wear To A Rave

Jeanne and Edward Vandeuil

Jeannne Horguelin, born parish of St. Sulpice in Chalons
Horguelin daughter of Claude and Marie Asselin, wife (1686) Henry Edward
Vandeuil, son of Jacques de Vandeuil and
Marie Colin.

Land and lordship of Escury, 1708.

Land and lordship of Escure is located on the territory of Champigneul the edge of Soda, 25 km west of Chalons.
A contract of 1708 gives a brief description of the area Escury:
"On March 20, 1708, Joseph Francois, lord of Montbayen, and Catherine de Bar, Dame of Vitry-la-ville, his wife, sell their land to Escury, castle, manor house, keep, backyard, garden, outbuildings, land adjoining the chapel with its ornaments, pre Hivart, two other pieces Pre Cressonnière instead said, marshes Champigneul, the supposed Course Brulées Cramant and vines. "

Joseph Francois, King's Counsel in the Paris Mint Court, held this manor of his father Philippe FRANCOIS, Treasurer of France at Chalons, who bought it in 1643.
He sold it in 1708 to Francis Joseph Cappy, for the sum of 32,000 pounds.

October 11, 1690, Edward and Jeanne Vandeuil Horguelin his wife spend a lease with the French: They rent the land and lordship of Escury, vines Cramant and everything that belongs to the French, for the space 6 years, and the sum of 1550 pounds per year. (1) Note that

December 24, 1656, Claude Bar and his wife Anne Pinteville (grandparents of Catherine de Bar) to buy Horguelin Agnes, widow of François Mathé, the stately home of Vitry-la-ville and half of the lordships of Vitry and Vouciennes, the sum of 33,200 pounds. (2)

's family Vandeuil-Horguelin.

The parish registers of Saint-Sulpice at Chalons, on the date of 18 February 1686, include the words:
"Vandeuil Henry Edward, son of Jacques de Vandeuil Colin and Mary, residing parish of St. Sulpice in Chalons , wife Joan Horguelin, daughter of Claude and the late Mary Horguelin Asselin, Parish of St. Sulpice in Chalons. (3) The

Vandeuil-Horguelin of three children born Champigneul-Champagne: Marie-Jeanne
Vandeuil, born October 7, 1691.
Peter's Vandeuil, born May 30, 1693.
Vandeuil Louis Henry, born May 5, 1695. (4) Mary Jane

Vandeuil wife of 13 December 1719 Parish St. Alpin Chalons, Raulet Etienne, son of Stephen Raulet, rector of Villeseneux school, and Jane Collard (5)


Castle Escury, by Durlewanger, 1974.

"Champigneul, Marne (D 37 between Jâlons and Virtues)

Fourteen towers and a double ditch, those were the formidable defenses of the first castle Champigneul.
feudal fortress was replaced in the sixteenth century, a pleasure palace whose remains only the gate-tower of the arched entrance topped by a hipped roof ending in lantern.
At the end of the sixteenth century, the governor of St. Menehould erected on three sides of the court a new two-tiered castle of brick and chalk, extended by a flag of same style wearing a height of four-sided perforated window and flanked by a cylindrical tower with pepper and a square tower.
Opposite the second wing of the castle in return for him, leaning on the tower door. She is also extended by the Renaissance chapel roof topped by a spire structure. The wall that once closed the courtyard, as well as one of the moat and the drawbridge tower door, disappeared in the nineteenth century. Today a bridge spans the gap alone preserved.

(A. Durlewanger, "Castles Champagne, Strasbourg, 1874, page 44)


(1) Arch. Private, PH, lecture notes, Shari, 1930.

(2) Arch. Marne, E 560, Vitry-la-ville. (1656)

(3) Minitel, CG 51, Chalons, weddings. (1686)

(4) Minitel, GC51, Chalons births. (1691-1695)

(5) Arch. Private, PH, Parish St. Alpine, GG 7. (1719)

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Poptropica Hacks And Cheats

Mary Anne and Claude Grongnat

Horguelin Marie Anne, born parish of Saint-Sulpice in Chalons, daughter of Jacques
Horguelin and Prignet Jacquette, wife (1721)
Grongnat Claude, son of Anthony and Mary Grongnat Legras.

The Grongnat, merchants at Chalons, 1653-1721.

The Grongnat (Graingnat, Grognat) belong to an ancient family of Chalons. In the list of locals from the size rose in the year 1418, we find (Connetablie Jehan de Nanteuil) the Graingnat Jeanson, accompanied, among others, Jaquier de Chatillon and Jehannot Lescrivain. (1)

the 17th and 18th centuries, we know the following Grongnat:

(I) Jacques Grongnat . He married Madelaine Regnault. Children (four to our knowledge):
Mary Magdalen Parish St. Alpine born (ca 1658).
-Claude, born Parish St. Alpin (ca 1663), which follows. (2)
Margaret, baptized September 7, 1669 Parish St. Alpin Chalons. Sponsor: Claude Lorrain, lawyer; godmother Marguerite Lorrain.
-Madeleine, baptized May 13, 1672 Parish St. Alpin Chalons. Sponsor: Claude Grongnat; godmother: Madeleine Grongnat. (3)

(II.1) Claude Grongnat . He married Marie Madeleine de Gaulle, daughter of Etienne de Gaulle and Anne Aubert.

(II.2) Mary Grongnat. She married (St. Alpin, 1685) Jean de Gaulle, son of Etienne de Gaulle and Anne Aubert. (4)

(III) Antoine Grongnat . He married Mary Gray. Children: John
Grongnat, merchant at Chalons (1721).
Grongnat Peter, merchant at Chalons (1721).
-Claude Grongnat that follows.

(IV) Claude Grongnat . He married September 15, 1721 St-Sulpice church in Châlons, Mary Anne Horguelin, daughter of the late Jacques Horguelin and Jacquette Prignet. (5)

family Grongnat-Horguelin, 1721-1732.

Formalities Wedding Grongnat Claude and Mary Anne Horguelin take place over three days:
-September 13, 1721, the bride and groom signed their marriage contract before Lafournière, notary at Chalons.
-September 14, 1721, the bishopric of Chalons grants an exemption from the ban of marriage "Claude Grongnat (Trinity Parish) and Mary Anne Horguelin (parish of St-Sulpice). (6)
-September 15, 1721, religious marriage takes place in the church of St. Sulpice in Chalons. (7)

The marriage contract is signed "in the house of that lady Horguelin, future" in the presence of many witnesses' relatives and friends ": seven on the side of the future and nine side the future. Claude Grongnat, whose father died, was "authorized and assisted by Mr. John Grongnat, his brother and guardian, well, Mary Anne (who lost his father) is" authorized and assisted Sir John Champagne, Attorney at headquarters Chalons-cy before his committee. " Among the many
marriage covenants contained in the "marriage contract", we see the real contribution of Mary Anne, "consisting of his share in two censes Scize one in the land of Fagnières and the other in the land of St. Quentin, the third house in that village Scize Saint-Sulpice Chaalons said, in which she made her home, Scize near the Seven Mills of the said town, all called to share with several Fagnier Meunier and, because of their wives, sisters of that future. "

Grongnat Claude and Mary Anne Horguelin have four children, all baptized parish of St. Sulpice in Chalons
Mary Anne, born October 30, 1725.
-Marie Joseph, born September 29, 1728.
Claude-Marie, born September 26, 1731.
-Claude Nicolas, born December 5, 1732. (8)

Original part

Lafournière Marriage contract, 1721

"Before the Royals Nottaires Chaalons soubsignez are comparus people in Grongnat Sieur Claude, son of Sieur Antoine deffunt Grongnat merchant residing in Chaalons, and Miss Mary
Legras, his father and mother, and assisted Sir John Grongnat authorized dealer, residing at Chaalons, his brother and Trustee one hand.
And Miss Mary Anne Horguelin, spinster residing in the village of St-Sulpice Chaalons, daughter of Sieur Jacques deffunt Horguelin, merchant residing in that town, and Miss Prignet Jacquette, his father and mother, assisted and authorized by Jean Champenois Attorney Headquarters Chaalons live therein heretofore its curator, on the other.
Saying that the parties to proceed marriage to the future known to be made between the said Sieur Grongnat Horguelin lady and said, sy God and Holy Church grants them, and screen to have been no links nor promise, have recognized and confessed voluntarily, without force nor coercion as hereby acknowledge and grant making and their trade agreements and matrimonial room, ainsy and how it follows, that is to wit that the said Sieur future and have pledged to take a loyal marriage as soon as practicable possible, and to make Therein solemnisé in the face of the Holy Apostolic Roman Catholic Church, for Estre Day nuptialle blessing, plain and all common property Acquest furniture and Conquest buildings and they will Acquest during their marriage, Estre share between the survivor and their children or heirs of the first law. (Here follows the description of the contributions of the future and the future Sieur) (...)
Done and passed in the house and read the said lady Horguelin, future, after noon, 13 September one thousand seven hundred twenty-one, with the consent of Mr. Pierre Grongnat, Chaalons merchant, said future brother, said Gilles Derosne, grocer, his brother-Sieur Claude Legras, merchant residing in Chaalons, uncle to the future, said Jean Legras, merchant, cousin, and John Margaine, Aussy merchant cousin Germain, and Mr. Pierre François Jolly Aussy his cousin, Joseph and Mr. Clement, merchant, a cousin future audit.
and Costa of that future, Messrs John and Joseph Meunier Mémie Fagniez, Chaalons merchants, brothers in that future, Miss Barbara Horguelin, daughter, aunt, Messrs Michel Prignet, merchant, Pierre Joseph Prignet, merchant, William Piat, merchant, all uncles to that lady in the future, Sieur Nicolas Begin, bookseller, first cousin, Mr. Jacquesson, used in the farms of the King, others that share his cousin, Debar and M. de Saint Martin, Treasurer of France in financial office Chaalons, all remaining to Chaalons, relatives and friends in the future, and signed with such notaries.

(Archives de la Marne, notary's Lafournière, September 13, 1721)


Grongnat Alliances - de Gaulle, according Veillerette 2000.

"Jehan de Gaulle appears as the ancestor of the oldest Champagne found. You could say he is the ancestor of Charles de Gaulle. "

(I) Jehan de Gaulle (1615-1672), a citizen of Chalons, married 1) Marie Thumbnail, 2) Marie Johannes. Seven children: Stephen
de Gaulle, born May 24, 1638 Parish St. Loup at Chalons, died April 4, 1657 at Chalons, which follows.
-Claude de Gaulle, born January 6, 1643 Parish St. Loup at Chalons, died Aug. 27, 1691, buried in the church of St. Loup. Stem.

(II.1) Etienne de Gaulle , citizens of Chalons, wife Anne Aubert. Nine children, including:
John de Gaulle, born November 1, 1662 to Chalons. He married in 1685 in Chalons-Alpine St Mary Magdalene Grongnat, daughter of Jacques and Madeleine Grongnat Regnault.
Mary Magdalene de Gaulle, born July 27, 1667 at Chalons. She married Grongnat Claude, son of Jacques and Madeleine Grongnat Regnault.
-Charles de Gaulle, a wine merchant at Chalons. He married in 1695 Parish St. Alpin Chalons, Madeleine Guillemin.

(II.2) Claude de Gaulle , merchant at Chalons, married May 9, 1662, Magdeleine Fastret. Seven children, including:
Antoine de Gaulle, born October 8, 1669 Parish St. Loup at Chalons; died Sept. 8, 1730, buried in the church of St-Loup below.

(III) Antoine de Gaulle , merchant, consul judge, warden, married 1) Marie Antoinette Buat, 2) Anne Regnault. Ten children, including:
John Baptist de Gaulle, "being born 12 January, one thousand seven hundred and twenty, was baptized the same day, his godfather Sieur Jean-Baptiste Regnault and his lady Barbara Horguelin godmother, who signed".
Jean-Baptiste de Gaulle is the direct ancestor of General de Gaulle (his great-great grandfather).

(Francis Veillerette "They were called de Gaulle", Reims, 2000, page 56)


(1) Bartholomew, "Hist. Chalons-sur-Marne, 1883, page 441.

(2) Veillerette "They called de Gaulle", Reims, 2000 p. 56.

(3) marl-archive, Township of Chalons (city), births, 1672.

(4) Veillerette op. city.

(5) Arch. Marne Lafournière study, marriage contract, 1721.

(6) Arch. Marne, Church archives, G 74 (1721).

(7) Minitel, GC51, parish of Chalons (1721).

(8) Minitel, GC51, parish of Chalons (1725-1732).

Friday, April 10, 2009

Yokohama Advan A10 Tire

Francoise and Jean Joseph Meunier

Horguelin Francoise, born parish of St. Sulpice in Chalons, daughter of Jacques
Horguelin and Jacquette Prignet,
wife Josph John Meunier, an officer of the Bishop of Chalons.

Academy of Châlons, 1756.

The first public meeting of the Academy of Châlons held June 4, 1756. The company intends to grow the Belles-Lettres, Sciences and Arts. Its protective Louis de Bourbon-Condé (1709-1771), Count of Clermont-en-Argonne, governor of Champagne, and Honorary President Henri Louis de Barberie de Saint Contest, intendant of Champagne (1750-1764). Among his associates residents include the Chevalier de la Touche (1694-1781), painter and designer, and as associated external Valentine's Rocheret Philippe Bertin (1653-1762), Chairman of the Election of Epernay. (1) Jean Francois Meunier

, son of John Joseph and Françoise Meunier Horguelin, lawyer and man of letters, is also a founding member of the Academy of Chalons.
Among other writings he published in the Mercure de France: Ode-
dedicated to Monsieur de Saint-Contest: "Justice."
- "Ode on the establishment of the Literary Society of Chalons," dedicated to Anne Jules Antoine de Clermont-Tonnerre, bishop of Chalons (June 1755).
- "The Parnassus Francis", dedicated to Evrard Titon du Tillet (1677-1762), writer (July 1756). (2)

Meanwhile, Bertin's Rocheret publishes a humorous poem entitled: "Application of the Literary Society of Chalons to Apollo," which reads in part:
"To you, Prince of the Empire learned, by whom everything lives
and every breath,
Protector of the Sacred valley
We, the people, they say, the average science
Let humble remonstrance
Saying that recently the Muses, angry,
languid progress of our Academy, Would
fulminated against us (...) "(3)

Note finally found a founding member of the Academy of Chalons Horguelin Jean (1705-1783), canon regular, cure of Moncetz. (4)

family Meunier-Horguelin

Marriage of John Joseph and Françoise Meunier Horguelin place before 1722.
They have three children:
-Nicolle, called Parish St. Alpin February 4, 1722. Sponsor: Jacques Chauffot, bailiff of Chalons. (5)
Anne-Marie Francoise, born at Chalons in 1724. (6)
John Francis, born at Chalons November 15, 1726. (7)

John Joseph Miller died at Chalons May 6, 1729 and was buried in the church of St. Alpin. (8)
Horguelin Francoise, a young widow, her children alone. She sends her son John Francis to study law in Paris. He became a lawyer. He served as first secretary of the Service Corps of Champagne.

The three children are married:
-Nicolle Miller married Jacques Courtalon. Their four children were baptized Parish St. Alpin: Françoise Aimée (1745), Claude Etienne (1747), Pierre Jacques (1752), Jean-Baptiste (1759) (9)
Anne-Marie Francoise Meunier wife October 18, 1762 Parish St. Alpine, Nicolas Philbert Cautra Mountain, Grenetier attic salt. (10) She died
parish of Saint-Eloi 23 July 1780 at the age of 56. (11)

John Meunier Francois married Marie Jeanne Mignon. Their eldest daughter, Marie Jeanne Henriette, was baptized May 18, 1759 in Notre-Dame-en-Vaux. Sponsor: Henry Louis de Barberie de Saint Contest, intendant of Champagne. (12) They then
: Perez Frances (1760), Nicole Louise (1762), Nicolas Spirit (1763), Jacques Prosper (1771). (13)


Jean Francois Meunier, by Amedee Lhote, 1870.

"Meunier, Jean-François (*),
Lawyer Parliament, poet, litterateur. Born in Chalons
November 15, 1726. - Death in Paris around 1790. High

at the Jesuit college of Chalons, Meunier, at the urging of his mother a widow, went to Paris to do his duty. Although his tastes led him to the legal profession, he nonetheless devoted his leisure hours to poetry and we left some pieces that are not without merit.
Miller left Paris to return to Chalons occupy the position of chief clerk in the office Stewardship of Champagne. His knowledge earned him the titles of founder member of the Literary Society in 1756, and member of the Academy of Arts and Belles-Lettres de Chalons, 1778. Reasons that we do not know him back to Paris, where he died about 1790. (...)

Sources. - Yellow, year XII. - Literary France, in-8, 1759. - Records of the Saint-Alpin. - Records of the Academic Society of the Marne.

(*) son of John Joseph Miller, an officer of the Bishop of Chalons, who died May 6, 1729. Buried at St-Alpine, and Lady Frances Horguelin.

(Amedee Lhote, "Biography Châlonnaise, Chalons, 1870, page 237)


(1) Armand Bourgeois," The fine arts department of the Marne " , in: SACSAM, 1898-1899, page 7.

(2) Amedeo Lhote, "Biography Châlonnaise, Chalons, 1870, page 237.

(3) SACSAM, 1898-1899, page 8.

(4) Arch. Private, CH, blue file, folio 201 (1783).

(5) Pélicier, "Inventory summary of local records prior to 1790, city of Chalons-sur-Marne, 1903. Parish records, St. Alpine, GG 7 (1722).

(6) Marne, Chalons Canton (city), death, Saint-Eloi, 1780.

(7) A. Lhote, "Biography Châlon" on page 237.

(8) A. Lhote, "Biography Châlon" on page 237.

(9) Marne, Chalons Canton (city), births, St. Alpin, 1747-1757.

(10) (...) weddings, St. Alpin, 1762.

(11) (...) death, Saint-Eloi, 1780.

(12) (...) births, OL, 1759.

(13) (...) births, Notre Dame, 1760-1771.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Ideas For What To Write On Tombstones

Jeanne and Memmie Fagnier

Horguelin Jeanne, born parish of St. Sulpice in Chalons, daughter of Jacques
Horguelin and Prignet Jacquette,
Wife (1720) Memmie Fagnier, bourgeois of Chalons.

Genealogies of handwritten Bertin Rocheret

Valentine's Rocheret Philippe Bertin (1693-1762), chairman of the election of Epernay, has a passion for genealogy. It brings together countless documents concerning, among other things, families notables of the town of Epernay. He says this rich literature to his friend the Abbe Bignon, librarian of the king in Paris. We can now see these documents in the collection of blue files of the National Library. (1)
Bertin is the son of Mary Horguelin Elm. It recreates the story easily enough of this family which is based in Epernay and has long kept its records.
Bertin also wants to write the history of the Protestant branch of Horguelin, and then begin its difficulties: Châlon until the revocation of the Edict of Nantes, this family has fled abroad and its records were scattered between Leipzig, Breslau and Berlin. However
Bertin tries to learn from Chalons to distant relatives Huguenot fugitives. Thus he writes to Memmie Fagnier, Chalons bourgeois married to Jeanne Horguelin. Bertin wants to know, for example, what happened to the family home at the sign of the Golden Fleece. The answer is part of Memmie Fagnier materials gathered in the blue files 360. (2)
Sieur Fagnier answers on this, but can Bertin information on dates of death of the said Horguelin and their wives. He ends his letter justifying the lack of information he has over these people "singular"
"As I am bound in this family for 22 years and it is singular, not the practitioner point, I can easily find what you want, however I will make every my efforts to do so. " Bertin
eventually match with Horguelin of Germany and its complete documentation on these families. (3)

Memmie Fagnier's family.

The data on this family are fragmentary.
In 1720, Jeanne Horguelin Memmie Fagnier and asked the bishop of Chalons relief from marriage because of consanguinity. (4)
In 1721 (Sept. 13), they are present at the notary Lafournière at Chalons, to sign the marriage contract between Marie-Anne Horguelin (Sister Joan) and Claude Grongnat. (5)
In 1731 (Sept. 5), they christen their son Louis Memmie parish of Holy Trinity. Begin is the godfather and godmother Louis Marie Jeanne Arnault. (6)
In 1744 (January 17), Jeanne was buried Horguelin parish of Holy Trinity, in the presence of Memmie Fagnier and Nicolas Begin. (7)
(The latter, a bookseller at Chalons, married Anne Horguelin, Aunt Jane).


Horguelin The Calvinists, B. of Rocheret, 1750.

Abraham Horguelin, merchant at Chalons, also lived at New Market, at the sign of the Golden Fleece. Calvinist. Royaune left the revocation of the Edict of Nantes, 1658. Died at Breda in Holland. Married Perette Picard, Huguenot; followed her husband in his flight. Died in Leipzig in Saxony. Was:
Jeremiah, who follows.
-Pierre, a banker in Breslau in Silesia, having left France, 1675.
Jacques, left France for religion in 1680 (a banker in Leipzig).
Marie Jeanne died at Leipsic.
Margaret ditte Gothon, died at Leipsic.

Horguelin Jeremiah, born in Chalons en Champagne. Retired to Paris, 1692 or 1712. Y died, 1726. Married Marie Cadet, Vitry-le-Francois. Was:
Peter died at Chalons, 1697, without an alliance.
-Jacques, born at Chalons December 26, 1680, left the kingdom for the religion, came to Berlin, had Mary Jane, wife of Count Rhedern.
John, born at Chalons, 1682. Wealthy banker in Breslau. Death, 1745.
Jeanne-Marie, born at Chalons, 1686, entry by order of King in the Commonwealth of Regents Ladies in Vitry, Above and Doctrine at Chalons, 1742.

(Bibl. national blue file 360, folio 13 verso)

The surname Fagnier at Chalons, 1720.

We have little data on Fagnier merchants at Chalons. We are better informed about Fagnier officers of the King. They acquired part of the lordship of Breuvery-sur-Coole and are said to Fagnier Breuvery.
(A branch of Horguelin Elm has done the same and share with others the manor of Breuvery).
Fagnier John, Lord of Breuvery, Présidial advisor to Châlons, wife (1672) Françoise Papillon.
John Fagnier, Lord of Mardeuil and Breuvery, attorney for the finance office and the Field House of Champagne (1713), married Louise Antoinette Baugier.
Fagnier Christopher, Lord of Mardeuil and Breuvery, attorney for the finance office, wife (1734) Therese Office.
Fagnier Louis, Lord of Mardeuil Breuvery and bailiff of Chalons (1770), wife Frances of Parville (1780). Victim of the Revolution (1794).

(Internet, database Roglo, June 2008)


(1) Biblio. National, DB 360, sheet 1 to 42 (for Horguelin).

(2) Bibl. National, DB 360, folio 41 (1742).

(3) Bibl. National DB360, folio 39 (1742).

(4) Arch. Marne, G 74, folio 52.

(5) Arch. Marne Lafournière study, 13 September 1721.

(6) Internet, Township of Chalons-city births, Fagnier, 1731.

(7) Internet,, Canton city of Chalons, death, Horguelin, 1744.

Friday, April 3, 2009

How To Take Care Of Poodle Shitsu Mixed Dogs

Peter and Magdalena Leader Hostel

Horguelin Stone (ca 1665 - ca 1730), banker to
Breslau in Silesia, the son of Abraham and Horguelin Perrette Picart,
Wife 1) Magdalena Head of Hostel (Amsterdam, 1693);
2) Helen Louise Clergeau (Leipzig, 1704).

A banker Champagne Breslau, 1686.

One wonders how the son of a bourgeois Protestant Chalons-en-Champagne became, at age 21, a banker in Breslau in Silesia (the province of the Austro-Hungarian).
In fact, Abraham Horguelin his father is a business relationship or kinship with the financial families of Protestant origin of Paris, especially Dorigny the Burgeat (allied with Crommelin), and the Clergeau Bernard . The relationship between Horguelin and Bernard will tighten when Jacques Horguelin, son of Abraham, wife Madeleine Bernard in 1680, sister of financier Samuel Bernard. (1)
Originally merchant Draper Street Bourg l'Abbé, Samuel Bernard greatly expands its financial activities. It makes agreements with family members, bankers and financiers like him, and is a network of branches from the main courts of Europe. It has as its London correspondent brother Soullard; in Leipzig in Saxony, his brother, Gabriel Bernard and his brother Jacques Horguelin; in Breslau in Silesia, Pierre Horguelin, which will also become his brother in law by marrying Helen Louise Clergeau in 1704. It should be noted here
transactions three (Samuel Bernard, Pierre and Jacques Horguelin) spent in front of the notary Avray to Paris in 1686, amounting to 269,000 pounds. (2)

Bankers Horguelin of Breslau (Peter, his son Abraham and his nephew John) see their business prosper. Jean Horguelin, in a letter written in 1742 to his cousins Horguelin des Ormes in Epernay, it echoed: "My uncles were dead (Jacques and Pierre in Leipzig in Breslau), the affairs of a (Peter) , to a considerable extent, I fell Backpacks, who have almost throughout Europe and particularly with the Court of Luneville, and correspondence with several of the Court of France, from the Queen. "(3)

honors the Court of Sweden, 1720.

Between 1697 and 1718, Charles XII of Sweden, increasing its military campaigns in Estonia, Poland, Saxony and Russia. Silesia, between Saxony and Poland, is at the heart of conflicts. Province of the Catholic Hapsburg Empire, it has however a number of duchies who chose Luther's reform to strengthen their autonomy from the central government in Vienna.

Charles XII granted her support to its fellow of Silesia. In 1707, after his victories over Augustus II, King of Poland and Elector of Saxony (who must cede his kingdom to Stanislas Leszczynski) Charles XII gets back to the Protestant churches of 128 Silesian. (4) Peter
Horguelin is a supporter of Charles XII and financiers of his military campaigns. In recognition of these facts, it is promoted in the order of the nobility by the Court of Sweden in 1720. (5)
Archives of Sweden published on the Internet this information: "Horguelin, Gammal engelsk adel. Nat. 06/05/1720. Questioned about this, the Archives staff gave the following reply (June 24, 2006) "The phrase means: Horguelin old French noble family, naturalized May 6, 1720. Petrus Horguelin was knighted in Sweden but never came here. He was knighted for having been a great help for our King Charles XII. " Details are provided in a subsequent message (May 25, 2006): "As far as I can judge from the text, Petrus Horguelin your ancestor was able to provide financial assistance to our king, but he also said he was faithful the King, in his successes as well as in his misfortune. " (6)
The success of Charles XII, are the victories of Narva in Estonia (1700) on Russia, Duna (1701) and Klissow (1702) on Poland, Holovczin (1708) again on Russia. Its misfortune is the defeat at Poltava in Ukraine (1709), imposed by Czar Peter the Great and Charles XII of the leak to the Ottoman Empire, where he remained five years. (7)

The Family Stone Horguelin

We know from the Archives of the Walloon church in Amsterdam, Pierre Horguelin married in Amsterdam 26 April 1693, Magdalena Head of Hostel. He is 30 years. He is a banker since 1686 in Breslau. Why get married there in Amsterdam? (8)
records blue 360 (Bibl. National) mention that his father, Abraham, died at Breda. Both detours the Netherlands remains unexplained.
Pierre's second marriage in Leipzig, October 8, 1704, is better understood. He married Helen Louise Clergeau, daughter of Peter and Helen Clergeau Mestayer (9)
The older sister of the bride, Madeleine Clergeau, married in 1681 Samuel Bernard, and his other sister, Anne Clergeau, married in 1682 Gabriel Bernard (brother of Samuel) banker in Leipzig. (10) Peter
Horguelin and Head of Hostel Magdalena had four children:
Magdalene, born in Breslau. She married her cousin John Horguelin, banker his father's partner in Breslau. (11)
-Abraham, born in Breslau. Banker. No alliance.
Suzanne, born in Breslau in 1699. She married Robert Lorent, pastor Münchberg in Brandenburg. (12)
Marie, baptized in the church of St. Mary Magdalene Breslau April 20, 1700. She married Antoine Achard, pastor of the French Church in Berlin. (13)

Original parts

act of baptism of Mary Horguelin, 1700

"In the year one thousand seven hundred and twentieth day of April, Mr. Horguelin, merchant in this city, and his wife Lady Magdalene Head of Hostel, father and mother, sent their daughter to the parish church of St. Mary Magdalene for him to receive baptism. She was named Mary. Witnesses to his baptism were Ferdinand de Este Noble Vitrus Mudrach, hereditary lord of Rathen, Mr. Chrétien Berterman, merchant of that place, and Lady Charlotte Mary, wife of Mr. David sauteri, merchant of this city.
is here that, for confirmation of the truth, I certify by my signature and affixing my seal. Assig George Henry, archdeacon, priest of St. Mary Magdalene. "

(Arch. national central minute, ET/XXXIX/388, study Périchon, 1735)

Marriage of Pierre Horguelin, 1704.

Book of Batem, Weddings and funerals of the Reformed Church in Leipzig Françoise.
In Leipzig, October 8, 1704. There
promise of marriage between Pierre Horguelin, son of the late Horguelin Abrahm, a native of Chalons en Champagne, and Vitry lady Pierrette Piccard, first. And Miss Helen Louise
Clergeau, daughter of the late N. Clergeau, native (white) and girl (white), on the other. They
Este married Oct. 8 in the house of Francis LeClerc, in Auerbachs Hoft, without publishing no ads, because we had no exercise, for then we having been deffendu to do in the city. And there 's only demanded of them a note in which they attest both to have no further obligation. And marriage hath been blessed by Mr. Dumont ours pastor, in the presence of toutte LeClerc said the home of Mr. and Horguelin his brother, and Mr. Maier Malérargues General. "

(Arch. private communication Cornelia Johansen, Leipzig, 2001)


The progeny of Peter Horguelin, Béringuier 1887.

Horguelin Petrus, a native of Champagne, merchant and banker in Breslau.
(Promoted in the order of the nobility of Sweden May 3, 1720).
Children: Jacob, who follows.

Horguelin Jacob, born at Chalons, banker and adviser to the trade in Berlin.
(Promoted in the order of the nobility of Prussia November 26, 1748). He married Johanne Louise
Crommelin. Child: Mary Jane, who follows.

Mary Jane (von Horguelin), born in Paris, died on 1 January 1788 at the age of 60. She married Sigismund Ehrenreich
Graf Redern (1730-1789).
Child: William Jacques, who follows.

Guillaume Jacques de Redern, born February 2, 1750, died September 6, 1816. He married N.
von Otterstadt. Children: William Frederick, who follows, and Henri Alexandre, stem.

William Frederick Redern, born December 9, 1802. Quartermaster General of the Royal Theatre in Berlin (1828-1832), Quartermaster General of the Court Music (1844), Grand Chamberlain (1861). Died Nov. 5, 1883.

Redern Henry Alexander, born September 26, 1804.
(his children were not baptized l'église française de Berlin).
Ambassadeur à Bruxelles (1854). Envoyé à la Cour de Prusse de Russie (1863-1867)
Il épouse la princesse Odescalchi (catholique).

(Free University of Berlin, R. Béringuier, "The family trees of members of the French colony in Berlin", Berlin, 1887, p. 172)


(1) Bibl you Protestantisme, MS 66, 199th folio

(2) National Antiquities, MC/ET/IX/490, (1686).

(3) Bibl national, DB 360, f ° 39, (1742)

(4) Google Pages web, "Charles XII de Suède "Wikipedia, March 2007.

(5) Websites Google Vöbam Genealogiska Föreningen, Stockholm, June 2003.

(6) Arch. private communication Nordbäck Helena, June 2003.

(7) Websites Google "Charles XII of Sweden," Wikipedia, March 2007.

(8) Bibl. Walloon Amsterdam file Refuge, 1693.

(9) Arch. private communication Cornelia Johansen, Leipzig, 2001.

(10) Lüthy, "Bank Protestant, Paris, 1959, page 71.

(11) Arch. Paris, DC6, vol. 226, f ° 254 v ° (1738).

(12) Ev.-ref. Domgemeinde, Halle, Franz. Kirchenbuch, C5, seiten 67-68 (1701).

(13) Arch. national MC/ET/XXXIX/388, study Périchon, 1735.